How does your garden grow? Do you extend your green fingers further than cannabis plants? We hope so because there is nothing like growing your own food. Erm, well, it's pretty like cannabis in a lot of ways. Nonetheless, it's good fun and sustainable, and it can even help you fight those pesky pests and diseases that blight your cannabis crop. Grab your gardening gloves and prepare for legal planting. At least, we think it's legal all over, but we don't know what the North Koreans are saying about growing food.
Let's get growing and find the best companion plants for growing cannabis.
What is a companion plant?
A companion plant is a plant that is grown near another plant, primarily to help manage things such as pest control, nutrient enhancement, weed suppression, or pollination assistance. Companion plants play a vital role in a garden ecosystem, but what are the best companion plants for growing cannabis?

- Basil: Not only food, my friend. Aside from working a treat on a slice of pizza or in some pasta. Basil is handy while it grows. Thanks to that lovely, pungent aroma, basil can help repel pests like aphids, mosquitoes, and flies. Additionally, the herb attracts beneficial insects such as bees and predatory insects that feed on pests. It is also known to produce compounds that can enhance the flavour of nearby cannabis plants. That's a lot of work from a little herb.
- Lavender: You know what loves lavender? Bees and butterflies. Do you know what doesn't like lavender? Moths, fleas, and mosquitoes. Growing lavender in your garden can help create a diverse and insect-friendly environment.
- Tomatoes: Tomatoes produce a compound called solanine, which helps them repel pests. Additionally, they take on a similar structure to cannabis plants and will blend naturally with your garden landscape. Remember, you can grow hundreds of varieties, and once they start to harvest, you will have more than you can eat.
- Chamomile: Chamomile is an ideal companion plant because it attracts hoverflies and parasitic wasps. The flies and wasps prey on pests such as spider mites. If planted close enough to a chamomile plant, cannabis plants can benefit from the antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help suppress soil-borne diseases and improve overall plant health. And when it is ready to pick, you will have plenty of calming tea to drink.
- Peppers: What's not to love about peppers? They are tasty, have many choices, and help deter pests and attract good bugs. The only issue is which ones you grow. Bell peppers, spicy? Sweet? Why not grow them all in the name of helping your cannabis plants?
- Peppermint: Peppermint is another herb ideal for tea or spicing up a salad. But did you know that it was one of the best companion plants for growing cannabis? We knew you did. Plant a load of peppermint around your cannabis plants, and its strong aroma will deter pests like ants, aphids, and cabbage loopers. A warning of warning, though. Plant peppermint in contained spaces as it is an aggressive grower and will spread like spilt milk in a supermarket.
- Dill: Dill is great in a curry but attracts good bugs like predatory wasps and ladybugs. These good bugs feed on cannabis pests like aphids, spider mites, and caterpillars.
- Radishes: Radishes are ideal for setting traps for pests like flea beetles, which usually go for cannabis leaves but get attracted to the radish leaves instead. The pros of growing radish include the speed at which it grows and the fact that it can help improve soil structure by breaking up compacted soil.
- Garlic: Not only does garlic taste great in almost everything, but it repels vampires, and if you plant it around the perimeter of your garden or between cannabis plants, it can act as a natural barrier against pests like aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies. Just don't eat too much of it.
Conclusion: What are the Best Companion Plants for Growing Cannabis?
The above and more are the best companion plants for growing cannabis. The more diverse your garden is, the more chance you have to fight pests and diseases when growing cannabis. The best companion plants for growing cannabis are more extensive than that list. Other plants that maintain healthy cannabis include beans, cucumbers, spinach, lettuce, sunflowers, oregano, and many more. The list goes on, and your garden gets bigger. Until next time, Happy Growing!