CBD Skunk Haze - Féminisée - CBD Crew

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CBD Skunk Haze by the CBD Crew is the result of a breeding programme looking to get a Haze plant with high CBD levels. Although she grows tall like a typical Haze plant, the branches will be strong enough to support the buds.
Articles du produit groupé
Nom du produit Quantité
CBD skunk Haze- 5PACK 5PACK - Feminised - 5 pack

Description de la souche

CBD Skunk Haze by the CBD Crew is the result of a breeding programme looking to get a Haze plant with high CBD levels. Although she grows tall like a typical Haze plant, the branches will be strong enough to support the buds.

Flowers tend to be big and fluffy with an average yield of around 450g/m2. The taste is a classic Haze flavour with a combination of cedar wood spice, citrus sweet and fresh mint.

Informations sur la souche

Plus d’information
SeedbankCBD Crew
Type de floraisonPhotopériode
Contenu THCPetite (5-10%)
Contenu du CBDHaut
Taille de la planteBas


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