CBD Critical #47 - Féminisée - Positronics

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Maintaining the productive capacity of Positronics' champion, CBD Critical #47 grows like a sativa but with dense, typical indica buds. It's recommended to support the weight of the flowers. Excellent for pain relief. Sweet on the palate and very fragrant.
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CBD Critical #47 - 5pack

Description de la souche

Maintaining the productive capacity of Positronics' champion, CBD Critical #47 grows like a sativa but with dense, typical indica buds. It's recommended to support the weight of the flowers. Excellent for pain relief. Sweet on the palate and very fragrant.

This is a perfect combination of two genetics, merged like never before, thanks to previous work developed by CBD Crew.

Physiological description: Maintains its initial vegetative structure similarities sativa , leaflets and thin stems . But already in bloom show his accelerated speed with heavy, dense flower clusters. high and low branch internodal distance, so that large specimens require pruning excess branches.

Aroma: Light background with skunky mix new shades more subtle and unnoticed.

Taste: citrus bouquet with notes of caramel acid but not as explosive as its critical descent 47

effect, characterized by a high concentration of CBD. The CBD is not psychoactive but psychotropic, so its effect acts at physiological level , with all the virtues that entails.

Cultivation tips:

indoor: requires proper supplementation of nutrients for their maximum production and expression.
outdoor: specimens of large size medium or require tutors for stability.

Outdoor: 400 600 g plant outside firm ground
Indoor: 500g m2

Recommended maximum sun exposure for optimal production of cbd!

FUNGUS: Slightly sensitive to mold when they don't get enough sunlight.

Harvest outdoor: end of September

Harvest indoor: within 50 55 days

Genealogy: chemotype critical cbd x 47

Informations sur la souche

Plus d’information
TypeLa plupart Sativa
Type de floraisonPhotopériode
Temps de floraison (intérieur)7-8 semaines
Contenu THCPetite (5-10%)
Contenu du CBDHaut
Taille de la planteBas


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